George Poteet
February/18/2012 00:20
This is high-speed amazing... allow yourself 15 minutes to view this documentary style video of the Poteet and Main Speed Demon Streamliner during the 2011 edition of Speed Week on the infamous Bonneville Salt Flats.
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Holly Springs Hot Rods
July/27/2009 02:48
I spent this past Saturday afternoon in the nearby burg of Holly Springs MS, and I found a bunch of cool hot rods in the town square. I thought you might like to have a look...
Speed Week
August/18/2008 23:32
It's Speed Week in a far away, other worldly place known as the Bonneville Salt Flats. Mickey Thompson, one of the all time legends of speed, laid claim to the land speed record in 1960 with a one way record run of 406.60 mph. This week, Memphis Rodders Reunion regular George Poteet will take a shot at another new speed record with the Speed Demon streamliner. Read More...
Competition Update
September/02/2008 01:44
It's been a busy few weeks for some of the more motorsports connected reunion attendees who are deeply involved with their chosen form of competition. Here's a brief update... Read More...
In Pursuit of 400 MPH
October/13/2008 21:50
It seems that another update is needed regarding the Poteet and Main streamliner, and their relentless pursuit of an incredible 400 MPH speed record. Read More...