Arnold Bonner
Why Reunions Matter
December/11/2011 09:58
The Memphis Rodders Reunion has been a successful venture for many years now, but we lost some familiar old friends this year, making the 2011 reunion all the more significant.
Arnold Bonner
September/22/2011 23:45
He served his country in the Air National Guard, retiring after a lengthy career. He also spent his spare time drag racing throughout the southeast for the better part of four decades. He was a fixture at Lakeland Drag Strip, and staked a notable claim to having raced at Lakeland every year the track was in operation, and always with the same car, his black 1940 Chevy coupe that was a fierce competitor in the now defunct Modified Production Eliminator. Arnold's infamous Chevrolet was later restored by Fred Gilliam, and has been displayed at the Memphis Rodders Reunion on two separate occasions. Arnold was also a whiz at setting up automotive ignition systems for maximum performance, and his skills in this area were widely sought by his fellow racers. Read More...
Stepping Back in Time
November/28/2010 22:59
The 2010 Memphis Rodders Reunion is in the history books, and speaking of history, anyone who might wonder what this old car club meant to it's members got a real lesson this past Thursday. Read More...