2012 NHRR Slideshow
September/30/2012 01:27
An unprecedented infestation of Bo-Weevils struck Bowling Green KY this past June over Father's day weekend when four (count'em!) of Ray Godman's old race cars made the scene. Generous contributions from embedded gearheads have produced this slideshow of the 2012 National Hot Rod Reunion. Enjoy the visual vibe.
Yes, I'm a bit late getting this together, but I figure you'll still get a charge out of what Henry Perry and David Rubenstein recorded with their digital cameras. I have my mostly lame and self-centered excuses for being tardy with this posting, but one of the biggest hitches to my web workflow was that I was regrettably not on hand for the annual hot rod hootenanny in central Kentucky. Thankfully, Henry and David came through with the visual evidence of another top drawer reunion.
I will add that this year looks to have been a milestone of sorts for the Tennessee Bo-Weevil clan. Ray Godman and Preston Davis pretty well outdid themselves by bringing four vintage Bo-Weevils to the party. Preston's newly finished restoration of the 1960 Bo-Weevil was a big hit, and it complimented the 1962 Modified Roadster, the Top fueler, and the Arrow funny car to perfection. Although it's still a major effort to transport the whole collection, Godman and company have now assembled what amounts to a mobile museum of drag racing history. A tip of the hat is deserved for a job well done.
Since the Echo commenting system that is occasionally used by readers of this site is being ditched by it's creator (I'm trying to hunt down a replacement), I felt that a few thoughts recently revealed in a comment by Henry Perry would be worth repeating here, and kind of puts the whole thing in perspective.
"What a great job Preston and Raymond and about 20+ others did to bring the 1960 Bo-Weevil back to life..." "What a hoot it was to be at Bowling Green with 4 Bo-Weevils this year. There were hundreds of people stopping by to see the latest addition to the family and a few were old enough to have seen this car run in person back in the day."
Note that this sort of thing is a group effort, with many unsung heros. I've got some more goodies stashed on the various Bo-Weevils. Expect to hear and see more about them, along with the recently restored 1960 Bo-Weevil, in the coming months as the sun, the moon, and stars line up with my camera lens.